dil ki baat...
This has been good here for qwite sumtime now.
there are batch parties...... and we all have hell lot of a good time....... the party extends in to the night and then on to the cars,,, buses ,,, beaches and then merges with the morning
i am always confused about the place i m in .... whether i like it... whether i like it because every1 else is doing it.... am i steriotyping myself,,,,........ am i moving away from the very notion of 'MAVERICK' that i cherished for myself
SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION IN INDIA CLASSES....... they are goig on well... with a lot of heated debates.... that go on
and then there's Managerial Accounting..... in which i have been consistently pathetic...... and as if to add insult to injury... i applied for the CFA( chartered financial analyst) level 1 exam 2..... ... This probably is one of the riskiest decisions i have ever taken.... and current trends point to an unavoidable disaster.
Mean while IIM kozhikoode is revealing itself in its many forms to me...... i am gradually getting used to the academic rigour...... and may be sooner than later ii start performing well in exams too..... yes this place is beautiful,,,,... its situated on a hill.. full of palm and coconut trees.......... and yes there's the sea near by.........but who has the time and patience to go there.....i have of course formed a few friends.... and unusually though the bonding is good...... seems like a long run is in the offing...........lets see how things unfold gradually
Then there's the OB(organization behaviour) class..... and the proff teaches no one else bt me...... let the whole class go to hell... if i understand ,,, iits implied every1 does.... if i don't ... he explains it again..... he puts all the questions to me....and expects answers and the best part is that i usually have the correct answers... anyways he'd extract it from you....................... and then he is so very docile... always greets us with folded hands at the end and beginning of the class.........may b a modern day GAndhi....
Though his attention span hasn't brought any benefits....... since all of proff Pawars focus totally on me.....rest every1 can sleep..... while i study.... in every1's place.....i envy the BACKBENCHERS
Monday, August 31, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
and he continues to make us uncomfortable....
dil ki baat...
this is about dear PROF> MATHEW only..... guys these days we are having movie screenings..... some of the finest films i have ever seen....the central station (spanish)........grave of the fire flies(japanese.. animation).....all about my mother(spanish again).................and today documentaries..
1st documentary:- About the caste system... religion... communal riots... and gender bias..I was horrific when i saw how Bal Thakrey was playing cheap politics .... arousing public sentiment against muslims.."i will put an AK47 in every hindu's hand"..... some of the real inflamatory speeches by Saadhwi Ritambara..... Shiv Sena... is detrimental to the state of well being and happiness of this great nation. A sociologist way back predicted that yugoslavia and india... wd disintegrate with time..every1 mocked him.. but yugoslavia did break up... conditions in india are very similar....
These parties take the name of Shivaji, rana pratap etc . for so called hindu nationalism..... but shivaji had so many muslim connections... and Shivaji wdn't be shivaji if the muslim connections hadn't been there..... Rana pratap's friend in in his worst times was a muslim........ mardana accompanying Nanak was a muslim..
Same is the case with muslims... they believe.. the golden age when muslims ruled India is gone... they aren't getting their due... elements in their community too continuously pester them in to communally biased approach and thinking.
2nd Documentary-
titled 'LESSER HUMANS"...www.ektaonline.org/ events/stalin/index.htm.. it was base on the scavengers.. the pathetic state in which they live... they actually have to clean up what we throw up... from top or bottom.... human and animal excreta... dead bodies...There are old type toilets that are DRY and can't be flushed.. they have clean them.. and carry the 'night-soil ' on their head to the dumping site.

in villages we carry bad news too
news of death to all other home
this is about dear PROF> MATHEW only..... guys these days we are having movie screenings..... some of the finest films i have ever seen....the central station (spanish)........grave of the fire flies(japanese.. animation).....all about my mother(spanish again).................and today documentaries..
1st documentary:- About the caste system... religion... communal riots... and gender bias..I was horrific when i saw how Bal Thakrey was playing cheap politics .... arousing public sentiment against muslims.."i will put an AK47 in every hindu's hand"..... some of the real inflamatory speeches by Saadhwi Ritambara..... Shiv Sena... is detrimental to the state of well being and happiness of this great nation. A sociologist way back predicted that yugoslavia and india... wd disintegrate with time..every1 mocked him.. but yugoslavia did break up... conditions in india are very similar....
These parties take the name of Shivaji, rana pratap etc . for so called hindu nationalism..... but shivaji had so many muslim connections... and Shivaji wdn't be shivaji if the muslim connections hadn't been there..... Rana pratap's friend in in his worst times was a muslim........ mardana accompanying Nanak was a muslim..
Same is the case with muslims... they believe.. the golden age when muslims ruled India is gone... they aren't getting their due... elements in their community too continuously pester them in to communally biased approach and thinking.
2nd Documentary-
titled 'LESSER HUMANS"...www.ektaonline.org/
- Their state over the years hasn't much changed.. because if they don't do it... WHO DOES IT???
- they are the BHANGIS... or the Valmikis
- They are systematically kept away from all Govt. jobs.Almost all of them are on daily wages at different municipal corporations, gram panchayats.... families etc.
- They are paid about lowest possible wages..according to the documentary in 1997 it was INR50/month.... it can't be too mch now either... may be
- A lot of them are paid only in kind.... like left over food... and grain etc.
- Their main grduge is against the other lower castes.... the other 'dalits'... who avail most of the benefits for reserved categories....
- They are preferentially kept away from availing benefits... as otherwise who wd do their jobs...
- They are not alloted plots on housing sites.... bt in areas away.. where there's no basic amenities.. no water.. electricity
- UNTOUCHABILITY is still practised against them....in villages actively.... while educated ones...do it subconsciously too... c'mmon be thruthfull....will u be comfortable with the 'safaiwala'.......Wd u hug him and share ur food with him?? The BHANGIS are even more unfortunate.
- Its not that that the GOVT has been silent.... Atleast 5 times "cleaning of night-soil' manually has been banned. Picking up of human excreta on the head has been banned too... there is actually so much that has been done ON PAPER
- BUT its a lower caste vs higher caste problem.... and all important offices..infact the Govt. is controlled by higher castes... and so the implications
- The truth is .....REMOVING a stigma 1000's of yrs old "the varna syatem'.... isn't easy.. But what's appaling is the lack of efforts.... though some NGO's are doing a commendable job
- and what abt issues like resevation
A scavenger
i am a scavenger
they call me BHANGI
they keep away from me
the smell of shit emerging from me may corrupt their souls
and i clean up a lot
their shit.. their animal's shit
their dead... whom they find lying about
its we who give them their salvation
and the dead cats n' dogs n' cattle
in villages we carry bad news too
news of death to all other home
n all other villages
accumulating curses
this makes our smell worse
do u think its easy
doing such stuff and getting almost n'thing in return
no.. actually there are returns
and 1 too many
In return u keep away from me
preferencially u keep me backward
and away from education
u can't do without me..
actually u can .. bt u don't want to
u r so used to this barbarism
that u can't forgo it
u can't build automatic toilets
but even if u build them
like they have in cities
we have to go in MANHOLES
man .. they are full of shit
and i m immersed in that shit from head to toe
some times the toxic gas can even kill me
now is that HUMAN
even remotely so??
As a child i was good at studies
sat on the 1st bench
but i was an untouchable
i made other kids impure
they made me sit at the last bench
i wanted to become a DOCTOR
the guy pursuing THE NOBLE PROFESSION
but they said this time n ' again
Wht's d use.. a bhangi shall remain so
there's shit u have to carry
shit's ur destiny.. u can't run away
in the end fed up.. broken
i dropped out...
even i couldn't play with other kids
their parents told them not to
and washed their own kids with water
when they came in contact
or touched them with fire
this wd make them pure
If sum1 accidently touched me
they wd apply GANGAJAL
or any water which they found
even drop their toes in the nearby drain
so u see...
even drain water is purer than us
if i m a woman
imagine my plight
i m a slave of the slaves
if i m a woman
imagine my plight
i m a slave of the slaves
so is there any real incentive for us to continue living
but we continue to live..
so that we carry ur filth..
ur shit on our head
ur shit in our lives
ur shit all the time
it trickles down through ages
in to our destiny.. that's all shitty with ur shit
bt do we have a choice
certainly not
so we keep quiet
and carry on with our very own NOBLE PROFESSION
Monday, August 24, 2009
this is how u locate me.....
this is the way they present me on iim k website..... but u realize there's more to me after reading this blog.... keep reading.... this will help u in the long run.... of course i m kidding...... :) :)
this is the way they present me on iim k website..... but u realize there's more to me after reading this blog.... keep reading.... this will help u in the long run.... of course i m kidding...... :) :)
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Prof. A. F. Matthew
Guys.. you defintely have heard of siddhu and siddhuisms
..... now i will introduce you to our teacher of ' Social Transformation in india'. ...
When your Prof. had a FATWA issued against him.. In addition had sought protection from HC against Bajrang Dal in past..this was all because of his inflamatory thoughts and ideas.... his father was the the Deputy Commander in Chief of IPKF in Sri Lanka....and yet he hates most of what Indian Army does....He was refused visa to Pakistan because of his views on Kashmir...... When he teaches you, you realize.. how good or bad religions are... how biased society is... and the the truth behind simplest of events could be bloody and horrendous.....Only he can really teach you about SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION IN INDIA!!
Mathewisms :
"I am like a ray of light in your wretched lives.
I feel like a genius everywhere I go because you people know nothing"
"u dont read newspaper, u dont watch TV, so wat u do all day, watch Porn.... "
"god is standing in front of u
don worry now i hav come
everything will be alright...hmmm "
"If I had not come to teach you who would have emancipated your wretched souls"
"If a girl sleeps with ten boys of her class, she's a slut. If a boy does the same with ten girls, he's a stud. This is the bang-on-target example of gender bias.."
Addressing a lady: "Do you go home and declare, Mom ! Great news !! I'm a lesbian !! "
"some 40 % of the students, I interview say Hitler is their role model. I normally select them coz I realize that they need me more"
"I will declare I will screen a Lesbian film in auditorium and when all the seats are occupied, I will play the Gay Film"
"Of course I don't believe in that rubbish that all men are equal..You can't be my equal"
"Young people are same everywhere...one big koodadan"
"In Mills & Boon, hero plants a kiss on heroine's forehead and she faints. I think she'll have epilepsy during intercourse"
I can't tell about others but prof. mathew is brash.... but he is one guy u feel is talking utter rubbish until unless u pay attention and start listening..... and worry he is extremely interesting ... and the wierdest person you will ever meet...... but he does enlighten our souls in so many ways......
And as time went by.......
Now i am almost 2 months in this splendid institution. Sometimes I really feel proud of myself to have made it despite all odds(no work ex, no flashy tags like iit, a two yr dropper after +2, a modest cat percentile, and above all a filthy gd; but more than decent interview)
You of course are the least interested. I mean first of all you take pity on me and read this crap... and its even not interesting.. but then guys bear with me.. may be with time i polish my writing skill and specially my typing skills...
Midterms happened .. and my grades are out.. at least for one subject and i got a pathetic B-. May be trailor about the things to come or its just a passing phase. But it scares me as I have never been great at studies, and more so in a place like this, I think I'll have to work extra hard. If I don''t may be survival is the issue I am facing a few months from now.
Lets talk about the ratio (gender ratio ). Its probably about 12:1. Now why we have to face all of this all the time. I really hope that the women of this country become totally liberated and join in more numbers those courses and workplaces which I am destined to join as well.
But yes again I reiterate as I have done n number of times before, that this place rocks, with all its natural beauty, the nearness to some aw sum beaches, and that its actually situated on a hill. Also sooner than later you happen to find those venomous reptiles usually called snakes crawling around leisurely.. and you realize that the place actually belongs to them and you need their mercy.
Broadly speaking it a heaven for nature enthusiasts, with innumerable coconut/ palm trees and absolute sereneness. That's why they call it ' GOD's own country' and my IIM-' GOD's own IIM'.
And then there are thoughts about recession and how its going ti affect our summers and our senior batch's final placements. That i have take about a million rupees as loan is worrying, but other wise life is good... very good... much better than what I have had till now.I am actually looking forward to days getting better and better.
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